2017 Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey Action Plans

Round 1: $5.676 Billion

Summary of Hurricane Harvey State Action Plan

Nonsubstantial Amendment 15

Amendment 14

Amendment 13

Amendment 12

Amendment 11

Amendment 10


Amendment 9


Amendment 8


Amendment 7

Amendment 6

Nonsubstantial Amendment 5

Nonsubstantial Amendment 4

Amendment 3

Amendment 2

Amendment 1

Action Plan


$57.8 Million Allocation - Fully Awarded



Regional Methods of Distribution (MOD) for $5.024 Billion Allocation

On August 14, 2018, HUD issued its guidance for the administration of an additional $652 million award to the state of Texas to help with the long-term recovery following Hurricane Harvey. The additional award brings the total award of Community Development Block Grant disaster recovery (CDBG-DR) funds to the state of Texas to $5.734 billion.

HUD has released the rules for $4.383 billion in mitigation funding appropriated to Texas by Congress in February of 2018. These funds were allocated to fund mitigation projects to protect communities against future storms through the Community Development Block Grants for Mitigation (CDBG-MIT). The publication of rules in the Federal Register will now enable the Texas General Land Office (GLO) to move forward in drafting and getting approval for a mitigation state action plan, a process expected to take approximately nine months or more to complete.